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Preparing Poached Salmon
Skinning and boning a salmon is not as difficult as you might first imagine if you follow these simple steps:
Lift the salmon from the fish kettle and lay it on a large board.
Using a long thin-bladed knife, cut through the skin along length of the backbone, across tail and around head.
Using the blade of the knife, peel off the skin and pull off the fins.
With the back of the knife, scrape away shallow layer of brown coloured flesh over centre of fish.
Turn salmon over and repeat.
Then cut down along the backbone of the fish.
Turn the knife falt, ease the fillet gently from the bone and lift off (This may have to be done in two pieces, if the fish is large).
At the head and tail, cut through bone with scissors and peel away.
Replace upper fillet, to recreate the look of a whole fish.
Once you have prepared the salmon, carefully lift it onto a serving dish (you may or may not prefer to remove the head and tail prior to this), store the salmon in a fridge if it is not being served immediately.
Decorating the fish with garnishes add a final touch of elegance.
Here is one suggestion:
Cut some strips from the length of a cucumber using a potato peeler and arrange in a rippling effect at intcrvals of 1" along the top of the fish.
Then place sprigs of fresh chervil over the cucumber and serve with lemon wedges.