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Tom Lester Ⅱ

Tom Lester fishes competitively in bass tournaments and enjoys his professional bass fishing career in the BASS circuit.
In addition to being a professional angler, Tom has been writing outdoor articles for the past 3 years.
His articles appear in his hometown newspaper and on several internet web sites related to fishing.
Tom has recently developed an "on-line pro staff" program to help readers by providing an avenue for them to ask a manufacturer's pro staff member questions about products he uses in the professional bass fishing arena.
He and his wife also own and operate Four Seasons Lawnscape, a landscape and lawn maintenance service, in Corsicana, Texas.
He has fished for most of his 37 years to some degree or another.
Tom lives with his wife, Kelly and daughters, Megan and Tatum, in Corsicana, Texas, only a few miles from Richland-Chambers reservoir, one of the hottest new bass lakes to open in Texas in the past ten years.
He formerly resided in Cleburne, Texas where he guided part-time for largemouth and smallmouth bass.
Tom currently serves on the pro staff for several companies.
Tom enjoys fishing, hunting and writing his outdoor column for the Corsicana Daily Sun and free-lance writing.
During the off-season, Tom likes to work outdoor shows and enjoys sharing fishing information with others who enjoy the sport.
He is a former high school Agricultural Science instructor and animal health pharmaceutical sales rep.
He graduated from Texas A&M University with a B.S. in Agricultural Education and a Master of Education degree.
Tom hosts and operates an information based web site where he answers questions about products and techniques he uses in the professional bass fishing arena.
He represents numerous tackle manufacturers across the country at trade shows, on his web site and at seminars.
Tom is a very welcome addition to our site and is sure to educate you on bass fishing.
The following articles are available from Tom Lester:
If you have a question or comment for Tom please feel free to send it via our Pro Staff Question And Answer form.
Your questions will be answered within 24-48 hours by Tom.