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Pro Staff Question - How To Catch Catfish

Ted Ellenbecker's Answer

Pro Bass Angler Ted Ellenbecker

Hi Ted,

Thanks for your question and CONGRATS on catching your first catfish!

Lake of the Ozarks has a lot of catfish and some really big ones.

I would think early morning and evening you would be able to catch a few in many places.

I would start with a good piece of cut bait, maybe shad if I could get it for bait.

The mouth of a bay is always a good spot, maybe at a incoming creek or a rocky shoreline.

Ask people around the area where to go they will be happy to give you advice.

Noodling is just one way of catching catfish but I prefer rod and reel.

Noodling is done by wading up to your waist in the water where you know catfish to be holding.

You then stick your hand and arm into the catfishes mouth and drag him out of the water.

I believe your friends are teasing you as it isn't an easy way to catch catfish.

Especially for a younger person such as yourself.

Not too mention that it is illegal in most states (Including Missouri) to noodle for catfish.

My advice to you is to keep using your rod and reel as the tool to catch catfish.

Sooner or later you will become very good at it and be able to try other technics of catching catfish.

Good Luck and Keep Practicing!

Ted Ellenbecker
BassonHook Pro Staff

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