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Pro Staff Question - Is Your Gut Feeling And Confidence Important When Angling For Bass
Leo Watson's Answer

Hello Cal, hearing from folks like you always puts a smile on my face.
I take a great deal of pride in the articles I write.
Each and every one takes a great deal of time and thought.
Yes, the tournaments are getting more commercialized but this has also done a great deal to further our sport at the national level.
When it comes to fun, I still enjoy the competition.
Everyone Loses Confidence In Their Bass Fishing Abilities Now And Then
I did run in to that problem a few years.
With the work that comes with having sponsors support you this becomes very time consuming.
I did have to make a little attitude adjustment myself in that respect.
It all comes down to the way you look at things and how you keep your perspectives in check.
I have always found my most enjoyment when I am on the water.
There I can just get down to work and focus on the job at hand.
So yes I agree that your gut feeling and confidence in your abilities play an important role in how you structure your game plan for catching bass.
If I can be of any further assistance please feel free to contact me through this great web site.
One of the other pleasures that I get is from helping other anglers out.
I feel honored when someone thinks enough of me to take the time to ask me questions.
I always have time to help a fellow angler and I feel obligated to do so.
The fans and fellow anglers are the ones who in essence pay our bills.
Thank you,
Leo Watson