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Pro Staff Question - Can I Use Chum To Attract More Bass To A Creek If So What Kind
Charles "The Bass Doctor" Stuart's Answer

As a former European angler, chumming was ALWAYS the best way to catch fish when I was bait fishing.
As you did not specify how you are fishing for these bass, I must assume you are also live bait fishing.
Some Difficulties When Chumming For Fish
The difficulty with chumming is accurate placement.
If you just throw chunks of bait or sweet corn or bread into the water, you must be sure that the chum falls in the right location to hold the fish so that you can reach it each and every time your cast.
I would suggest very little chum to start with as you have pointed out that catfish are a predominant species in the creek you fish.
Also you should indicate how quickly the water moves, which will also affect the fall of the chum mix you decide to throw.
I know that bait buckets with holes in them can often release a nice steady flow of chum in moving water.
These are purchased (usually frozen) and are lowered on a rope into the water upstream of where you are fishing.
Bass are very aggressive but are usually looking for something "alive" to eat so think carefully before you decide what the use for chum.
Throwing earthworms, maggots, crickets or larvae might work, but remember that crappie, perch, bluegill and other smaller, faster moving species will steal the food from a bass before it can get too it!
Tight Lines!
Charles "The Bass Doctor" Stuart
BassonHook Pro Staff
Dennis "The Fishin Professor" Bryant's Answer

Myron, Thanks for your inquiry!
I've heard of many different kinds of chum being used on several saltwater fish species and for Bluegills, Crappie, Perch, Trout, Catfish and Carp, in freshwater.
But I've never heard of any kind of chum being effectively used for Bass (If you do find one that really works, would you please let me know ASAP!).
Since Bass are basically "homebodies," and strictly live-bait predators by nature, I just can't think of anything that could be effectively used as a chum (attractant).
For that same reason, I really don't think that using a catfish chum (like stinkbaits or bloodbaits), in an area heavily populated by Bass would have the effect of scaring the Bass off at all!
About all I can honestly tell you is give it a try and see what happens!
Good Fishin'!
Dennis Bryant
The Fishin' Professor!
Leo Watson's Answer

Good morning Myron, chum could work.
Chum Does Work In Some Situations
What the chum will do is attract bait fish which in return will attract bass.
One thing you may want to consider is the use of planted structure.
This will do the same thing.
It will help concentrate bait fish and will offer bass an ambush point as well as a place to hide out of the current.
The structure when used correctly will give you a spot to locate fish again and again.
As always if you have any more questions just forward them through this fine web site.
Thank you,
Leo Watson