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Pro Staff Question - What Types Of Food Does A Largemouth Bass Eat
Leo Watson's Answer

Good morning and thank you for writing in.
To start with a ¼ acre pond is big enough to sustain bass.
What I really need is more information.
Depth Of Water And Temperature Is Crucial To Ensure A Bass's Survival In A Private Pond
This would include the depth and I need to know your environmental information.
With this I am basically talking about your temperature range.
Bass being a cold water creature cannot survive a total ice out of the water.
A five inch bass will feed on plankton as well as smaller baitfish.
One thing I would recommend is that you contact your States Division of Natural Resources.
Most states will help you with what types, sizes and how many of each species of bait fish to include in your pond to help sustain a healthy environment for the fish involved.
Most states will do this free of charge.
If you can get back to me with the information I required I will be able to provide better information.
Let me know how you make out.
There is no better fishing around than private lakes!
As always if you have any more questions just forward them through this fine web site.
Thank you,
Leo Watson