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Nick Ruiz

As a bass angler born and raised on Long Island, Nick has learned through experience the need for attention to detail to be a successful angler.
It is this meticulous attention to the finer points of angling that Nick has applied to all aspects of fishing.
Though still in what he considers an important learning phase he has developed several tried and true techniques that make up a large part of his recreational and tournament angling.
Nick has also had the unique and valued opportunity to instruct other anglers on various levels in seminars as well as state events.

The subjects of which have ranged from advanced bass tactics on pressured waters, to the importance of conservation and care for the environment.
It is through these teaching opportunities that he has furthered his own knowledge of the sport as well as gained an immense respect for those involved in it.
Currently Nick is a member of the Long Island Bassmasters through which he fishes tournaments as well as engages in a constant learning experience with some of the best anglers on the Island.
Also, Nick currently fishes Operation Bass' Red Man, now the Wal-Mart BFL tour, as well as the ABC (American Bassfishing Club) North East division.
In addition, next year he will be competing in the ABA (American Bassfishing Association) tour.
Articles And Pro Tips By Nick Ruiz
Nick has wrote four excellent articles for our website that you are sure to enjoy and learn from.
The following articles are available from Nick Ruiz: