Old Storm Lure Website

Old Storm Lure Website
71385842 Wednesday 1st December 2004, 15:23:23

check out http://www.oldstormlures.com

the message board tab has a link to copy and paste into your browser to get to the message board for discontinued original Storm lures.

71385842 locked the discussion.

Replies 2
1299b801  Friday 24th December 2004, 11:30:51

RE: Old Storm Lure Website
Im in need of a storm thunderstick or anything with the color of Naturalistic bluegill 237-gj,suaj,gdj
ftlawncare at aol dot com

85320406  Wednesday 13th July 2005, 14:55:05

RE: Old Storm Lure Website
I am desperately trying to get hold of/to purchase two Lightning Shads. Please advise me whom to contact and their street and E-Mail address. I also need to find out the color range and sises.

Kind Regards,

carlosperpetuo at simplesnet dot pt

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