Looking for...

Looking for...
1444172d Monday 13th January 2003, 10:01:03

I am looking for a couple of older baits from the mid 1990s.

1st is Neon Spot (similar to rat'l trap) and made by Cotton Cordell.  1/4, 1/2, 3/8oz sizes. I believe production was stopped around '95

2nd is Mystic series baits made by Rebel. They have  several sizes and varities, they are the basic rebel minnows only with the new "mystic" color pattern.  Floating with prop, floating with small lip, diving, etc. I belive production stopped on this around '96.



1444172d locked the discussion.

Reply 1
611c3d60  Friday 19th March 2004, 17:26:34

RE: Looking for ...
I think I have both
move2dom at earthlink dot net

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